The Tale of The Taco Pork Bar
Yes, close your eyes and you can taste the carnitas (braised Mexican shredded pork). But unlike carnitas or tacos, the Wild Zora Taco Pork bar fits in your pocket. It’s not messy or sticky. Did we mention it was tasty?
Wait, there is more. It’s healthy! Did you know jalapeño and cilantro have medicinal properties?
Are jalapeños good for you?
Just like any of its cousins in the pepper family, jalapeños are rich in vitamin C, helping boost your immunity, fight free radicals, and support healthy bones, teeth and gums. You will find a hefty dose of vitamin A in jalapeños, too.
The compound that makes jalapeño a health powerhouse, however, is capsaicin. It is the naturally occurring chemical that gives peppers their heat. Capsaicin is a stimulant, similar to caffeine, without the unpleasant side effects, like caffeine “jitters” or heart palpitations.
Capsaicin is also known to have pain-relieving properties. It is used in natural ointments to help combat arthritis and muscle pain. There are studies that suggest that capsaicin can help curb your appetite and as such, can be helpful if you are struggling with portion control.
Not ready to bite into a raw jalapeño? Try our Taco Pork bar. The jalapeño is carefully blended with other spices and aromatics, creating a pleasant warmth.
Health Benefits of Cilantro
Many people hate cilantro with a passion. It’s rarely a love at the first bite, but if you're not a cilantro fan, you might want to give it one more chance. If you're already a cilantro fan, then you'll definitely want to eat more!
Cilantro, or coriander leaves, is rich in vitamins, fiber, and minerals. It’s one of the best sources of vitamin K. It has antiseptic properties and also eases digestive issues, namely excess gas. It supports kidney health and it is believed to be a powerful aid in body cleansing.
Still can’t get over the flavor? Start small; chop a few leaves and add them to your salsa. Or, grab a Taco Pork bar — the cilantro is present in the blend, but it's very subtle.
Wait! What about the meat? Is pork healthy?
Pork is rarely considered to be “healthy food”, which is unfair: pork is rich in B vitamins, selenium, potassium, iron, magnesium, and zinc. Unfortunately, pork is often consumed in the form of sausages, bacon, and other cured meats, which tend to be high in salt, nitrates, added sugar, and preservatives (things that Wild Zora would NEVER use)!
On top of that, the majority of commercially produced pork is laden with antibiotics because the pigs often live in horrible conditions. The pigs are forced to live in confined spaces, sometimes in their own filth. Such environments don't produce healthy animals, as you can imagine. Pigs are not picky eaters and some "farmers" will feed them all sorts scraps, including rendered pig flesh. Doesn't sound healthy, does it?
Luckily, there are farmers who are determined to raise pigs in the way nature intended, and because Zora insisted, we found pig farmers who raise their pigs naturally, with respect to their needs and health.
Our piggies have plenty of space, fresh air, and fresh, clean straw for bedding. The farmers feed them a vegetarian diet, rich in protein. They are healthy, so they don’t need antibiotics. We take animal welfare seriously and we were happy to find farmers whose standards match ours. We were delighted when we tasted this pork! With just the right marbling, it's succulent and rich tasting. And because we know the hogs were living healthy lives, we know this is healthy meat. Try it for yourself!