NEW Healthy, Instant Plant-Powered Soups

Many of you have been asking for vegan versions of the Wild Zora Instant Soups and we are finally delivering. We cannot wait for you to try them, and let us know what you think!
To be totally honest, I was a little worried about creating vegan soups because I am not a vegetarian or vegan. Years ago, I tried a macrobiotic diet for a few weeks. I very much enjoyed it, but my husband really (I mean really) could not digest whole grains and some types of beans. I knew we needed more balance (and less bloating & gas). 😉
Nonetheless, we welcomed the challenge and got to cooking and experimenting! We tried many kinds of beans including peas, lentils, black beans, garbanzo beans, navy beans, and white beans to find the best tasting, and most nutritionally-balanced ingredients. In the end, green lentils and garbanzo beans (chickpeas) won the contest for their taste, high fiber and protein content!

So here they are... our NEW Vegan Soup recipes:
French Lentil, Tomato Basil and Roasted Pumpkin.
French Lentil Soup is loaded with veggies like carrots, cabbage, spinach and onions. Most of the protein is coming from dehydrated green lentils and the core spices are garlic and parsley. When I make this soup at home I like to add a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice and finely chopped parsley or cilantro. This soup also has a bit of powdered vinegar, which really helps to calm down an upset stomach!

Tomato Basil Soup is a staple in our kitchen! The refreshing savory tomato broth with basil will almost take you back to Spain ☺ We have added dried garbanzo flakes for extra protein and a small amount of coconut cream powder to add richness, yet still keep it dairy-free. It can be eaten with croutons, too! Nowadays, it is pretty easy to find them gluten-free as well. You can also add dairy-free shredded or grated parmesan cheese if you like! It’s like a warm a soup!

Roasted Pumpkin Soup – The base of this soup is dried pumpkin - and a lot of it! Its base is also made up of hearty garbanzo beans. We made it as traditional as possible with a little bit of cinnamon, black pepper and to make it creamy yet dairy-free, we used coconut cream. If you have a few roasted or raw pumpkin seeds, add them to the soup for extra crunch and protein.

Now let’s talk kale; we have added dried kale into the pumpkin soup for extra nutrients! We all keep hearing how good and healthy kale is for us, right? Well it’s true! Kale is a superfood and it is super easy to grow (at least in Colorado). But in my opinion mother nature could have made the taste a bit better. ;)
A tip for eating more kale: you can successfully disguise chopped kale in almost ANY soup. When the kale is fully cooked, its earthy flavor is gone so even our kids enjoy it ☺. Lately, I have also learned the power of freshly squeezed lemon juice when stir frying or sautéing kale. When you are done sautéing kale, take it off the heat and add lots of lemon juice just before serving. Not only you are adding a ton of vitamin C, but the whole dish will come to life!
All of our soups are low in carbohydrates, low in sodium, and they will also hydrate you! Truly a win-win (-win). :)
Yes, they will keep you warm in the cold months, but they will hydrate you. During the winter months I struggle to drink enough water. Drinking plain water gets a bit boring after a while and I am also not as physically active so it is hard to maintain a good water-drinking regime.
Having warm soup first thing in the morning is a great way to hydrate the body and to start the day. You can also enjoy a cup of soup in the afternoon instead of another cup of coffee!
The vegetables like celery, spinach and carrots will energize you, replenish your body and brain with needed minerals like potassium, magnesium etc. yet they are still low in sodium. There is about 360-380mg of sea salt in each soup. We do our best to keep sodium low, and give you the option to add more.
Each soup is only 50 calories. You can also think of them as vegan snacks, or healthy broths. They are such a fantastic base for larger dishes as well...we love getting creative with them!
I hope you will enjoy them! Please, let me know your favorite vegan soup recipes, and what other flavors you would like us to make!