Gluten-Free Breakfast Smoothie Recipes (AIP Breakfast Option)
Zora here! Our customers are so amazing and inspiring – shortly after our Instant Grain-Free Hot Cereals were released, we started to receive photos of customers adding them into their smoothies. What a brilliant idea! Smoothies are a great way to bring more fruits to our days but now we can also add a ton of fiber and healthy fats!
Here are my three-favorite high-fiber breakfast smoothie recipes. I hope you enjoy them!
“The Fastest AIP Breakfast Ever”
AIP Smoothie
Servings: 1
- Frozen raspberries – ½ cup
- Frozen strawberries & Cherries – ½ cup
- Wild Zora Instant Grain-Free Cereal in AIP Classic flavor – ½ packet
- Coconut butter/oil – 1 tsp (optional to add more healthy fats)
- Coconut milk – 1 cup
I know how time-consuming it is to make a quick, delicious AIP breakfast. If I do not have any leftovers from the night before, which is pretty much all the time because our teenagers hit the refrigerator before me in the morning and eat EVERYTHING they find, I have to start from scratch – prepping and cooking yet another meal. I am willing to do this on weekends, but I just do not have the time, energy, or desire to do it every day of the week. Now, there is a solution!
You can use our Wild Zora AIP-friendly, grain-free hot cereals to make AIP breakfast smoothies! In the recipe above - the combination of raspberries, strawberries, and cherries mixed with our Wild Zora AIP Classic flavor of grain-free cereal makes a super creamy, nutrient-dense, and FAST AIP breakfast.
There are also lots of antioxidants coming from the low-sugar berries, which is an added bonus! Additionally, you are also getting a lot of healthy fats coming from the shredded coconut, coconut cream, and coconut milk, not to mention a lot of fiber from the ground tiger-nuts. If you are wondering what tiger-nuts are; they are actually neither tigers ...nor nuts! ☺ They are tubers just like sweet potatoes, parsnips, carrots, or any vegetables which grow underground. Tiger nuts add great sweetness to this smoothie and awesome texture!
All WZ AIP-friendly products are made for the very strict elimination phase of the AIP diet. We manufacture them in our production facility in Loveland, CO, and make sure to make them in a separate facility than our products that contain nuts and other allergens. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please feel free to reach out! :) I love reading your feedback!
“Your Skin Will Love This Smoothie”
Antioxidant Bomb Smoothie
Servings: 1
Frozen wild blueberries – ½ cup
- Frozen blackberries or any berries– 1/3 cup
- Frozen dragon fruit –1/4 cup (optional, sometimes it is hard to find)
- Wild Zora Instant Grain-Free Cereal in Blueberry Muffin flavor– ½ packet
- Unsweetened Almond milk - 1 cup
- Water - ½ cup (or less, but without the water, it was quite thick)
I actually put wild blueberries into EVERY smoothie I make! Wild blueberries have the most antioxidants of all fruits! Dragon fruit also called “pitaya”, supports our immune systems, is high in fiber, and high in antioxidants. Check the freezer section of your local grocery store for large bags and good value – I find them at Sprouts – Wyman’s Wild Blueberries. Fresh dragon fruit is sometimes hard to come by, so I sometimes find it frozen. If you can’t find any, no worries! You can replace it with any berries! ☺
“Your Gut Will Thank You”
Fiber-Loaded Smoothie
Servings: 1
- Fresh or frozen banana – 1x
- Frozen mango – 1/3 cup
- WZ Tropical Grain-Free Hot Cereal – 1/2 packet
- Unsweetened Coconut milk or water– 1 – 1.5 cup

This gluten-free breakfast smoothie has such a rich, vibrant tropical flavor! If you use a whole package of the WZ grain-free cereals add more coconut milk or water and you can even turn it into two servings. The ground flaxseeds are filled with fiber and add texture as well.
Now about the fiber – one banana has 3 grams of fiber one mango has 5 grams and one packet of Wild Zora Tropical grain-free cereal has 7 grams. That’s a lot of fiber and that’s exactly what our gut needs.
In our family we eat about 3-4 WZ grain-free breakfasts per week per family member and the first thing we ALL noticed was how much more regular we are! You know what I am talking about, right?
Moreover, Abby (our teenage daughter) and her friends all share this app called Poop Map – yes, that’s a real thing. I think that the point of the app is to poop all around the world, but I am not really sure. You also get notifications when your friends’ poop! Abby is now winning in her little group with the most poops per week, and I’m pretty sure that eating our grain-free cereals a few mornings a week is contributing to her victory! ☺☺☺
More healthy tips for your smoothie:
-I often add ¼ cup of parsley or cilantro to my smoothie. Parsley and cilantro can pull heavy metals out of our bodies.
-When I feel really adventurous, I add one teaspoon of spirulina. It is one of the most nutrient-dense and antioxidant-rich superfoods on Earth. Spirulina is filled with vitamins B1, B2, B3, and many minerals like copper and iron. I would say the only downside is that it does king of taste like seawater ☺ But if I add a good amount of fruits, the taste is much, much better.
I am always on the lookout to simplify our breakfasts and to make our kids eat more fruits and fiber. I would love to hear your ideas as well! Be sure to share your own smoothie ideas and creations with me by reaching out to me at!
I hope these inspire some new breakfast smoothies to switch up your routine!
Zora Tabin (Founder, Mom & Healthy-Snack Enthusiast)