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Wild Zora is Going to Be On National TV!

Wild Zora is Going to Be On National TV!

Oh man, do we have some big news for you! We're practically pinching ourselves over here to make sure we're not dreaming. Get this: Wild Zora was chosen to be featured on an episode of HatchedTV

Hatched is a nationally syndicated TV show that connects emerging brands with successful mentors and once in a lifetime opportunities. They're all about growing consumer brands and they have chosen to mentor us in growing the Wild Zora Meat and Veggie Bar brand!

"The opportunity to be on Hatched and receive feedback from such amazing and successful entrepreneurs was mind-blowing and lends added credibility to our brand," explains Wild Zora CEO, Josh Tabin. 

Our episode of Hatched will be shown on syndicated stations across the nation throughout the month of February, so check it out! 


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